“River,” an installation, group exhibition “Starting from Southwest,”at Guang Zhou Art Museum, Guang Zhou, China, 2007 Installation
“River,” an installation, group exhibition “Starting from Southwest,”at Guang Zhou Art Museum, Guang Zhou, China, 2007 Installation
“Sketchbooks from the Cultural Revolution,” an installation, group exhibition “Shu: Reinventing Books,” at Contemporary Chinese Art, China Institute Gallery, New York, NY, USA, 2006; Seattle Asian Art Museum, Seattle, WA, USA, 2007 Installation Artwork included in the installation I was one of the millions of youth who were sent to the countryside from 1972-1976. There was no hope for[…]
“Toronto: I Am Who I Am,” a photographic installation, solo exhibition in “Contact – Toronto Photography Festival,” Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2006
“Transforming II,” photography, from Shifting Space, 2005
“Transforming,” photography, from Shifting, 2005
“Shifting,” solo exhibition, Diane Farris Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2005 Installation Artwork included in the installation
“Shifting,” a mixed-media installation, group exhibition “Shifting Space,” an exhibition at Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China, 2005 Installation Artwork included in the installation
The ‘City of Rich Gate’ is a Chinese translation for the name of the City of Richmond, British Columbia, Canada and for many Chinese immigrants this city represents the promise of a better homeland. The concept of rich gate represents an interstitial space formed by the act of people’s passing. It is the space between[…]
“I am Shanghainese,” photography, from I am Shanghainese, 2004
“Beyond Vision,” photography, from Beyond Vision, 2004
“A Place Called Home,” a public art installation at the Seattle Public Library Columbia City Branch, Seattle, Washington, United States of America, 2004 Installation Images included in the installation
“Beyond Vision,” a mixed-media, solo exhibition at Chongqing Art Museum, Chongqing, China, 2004 Installation Artwork included in the installation
“I am Shanghainese,” a photo banner installation, group exhibition “Techniques of the Visible,” at Shanghai 5th Biennale, Shanghai, China, 2004 Installation Artwork included in the installation
Photographs included in a public art work, “A Place Called Home“.
“Panama – I am Who I Am,” photography, from Panama: I Am Who I Am, 2003 “I Am Who I Am,” is a photograph installation made in year 2001. It uses 25 digital photos to tell the history of Chinese Canadian immigrants, of their hard work and their effort to build a social identity in[…]
“Richmond: I Am Who I Am,” photography, from Richmond: I Am Who I Am, 2003 “I Am Who I Am,” is a photograph installation made in year 2001. It uses 25 digital photos to tell the history of Chinese Canadian immigrants, of their hard work and their effort to build a social identity in a[…]