
“River,” an installation, group exhibition “Starting from Southwest,”at Guang Zhou Art Museum, Guang Zhou, China, 2007 Installation

Sketchbooks from the Cultural Revolution

“Sketchbooks from the Cultural Revolution,” an installation, group exhibition “Shu: Reinventing Books,” at Contemporary Chinese Art, China Institute Gallery, New York, NY, USA, 2006; Seattle Asian Art Museum, Seattle, WA, USA, 2007 Installation Artwork included in the installation I was one of the millions of youth who were sent to the countryside from 1972-1976. There was no hope for[…]


“Shifting,” solo exhibition, Diane Farris Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2005 Installation Artwork included in the installation

Shifting Space

“Shifting,” a mixed-media installation, group exhibition “Shifting Space,” an exhibition at Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China, 2005 Installation Artwork included in the installation  

The City of Rich Gate – China

The ‘City of Rich Gate’ is a Chinese translation for the name of the City of Richmond, British Columbia, Canada and for many Chinese immigrants this city represents the promise of a better homeland. The concept of rich gate represents an interstitial space formed by the act of people’s passing. It is the space between[…]

A Place Called Home

“A Place Called Home,” a public art installation at the Seattle Public Library Columbia City Branch, Seattle, Washington, United States of America, 2004 Installation Images included in the installation

I am Shanghainese

“I am Shanghainese,” a photo banner installation, group exhibition “Techniques of the Visible,” at Shanghai 5th Biennale, Shanghai, China, 2004 Installation Artwork included in the installation

Panama – I Am Who I Am: Photography

“Panama – I am Who I Am,” photography, from Panama: I Am Who I Am, 2003 “I Am Who I Am,” is a photograph installation made in year 2001. It uses 25 digital photos to tell the history of Chinese Canadian immigrants, of their hard work and their effort to build a social identity in[…]

Richmond – I Am Who I Am

“Richmond: I Am Who I Am,” photography, from Richmond: I Am Who I Am, 2003 “I Am Who I Am,” is a photograph installation made in year 2001. It uses 25 digital photos to tell the history of Chinese Canadian immigrants, of their hard work and their effort to build a social identity in a[…]